Food Tip #1 - Make Your Own Baby Formula
Combine 6 tablespoons of nonfat dry milk, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon of sugar in one (1) cup of water (boiled water is safest). Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before use if using boiled water.
WARNING: Do not substitute honey or corn syrup for the sugar as they contain bacteria which can cause serious side effects and quite possibly death due to the lack of a fully developed immune system in young babies.
Food Tip # 2 - Make Your Own Electrolyte Beverage (Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc.)
To one quart of water add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 8 teaspoons of granulated sugar. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together.This will replace electrolytes lost by the body due to dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, etc. A package of Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, etc. may be added to enhance the flavor and color.
Food Tip # 3 - Make Your own Baking Powder
Take a 1/2 tsp. of cream of tartar, add 1/4 tsp. of baking soda and 1/4 tsp. of cornstarch. Blend all ingredients and measure as normal for your cooking needs. (Special Note: If you don't have cornstarch then you will need to increase the baking soda to 1/3 tsp.)
Food Tip # 4 - Make Your Own Self-Rising Flour
Take 1 cup of flour, add 1/2 tsp. of salt and 1/2 tbsp. of baking powder. Mix all ingredients. This can be used in any recipe that specifies self-rising flour.
While you’re thinking about food, please take some time and visit Hannah or Abs at Safely Gathered In . They have a great site with some really good ideas on using long term storage foods in your recipes. They also have a lot of nice pics to go along with their great recipes. Check out their recipes at Food Storage Recipes.
You can also find Safely Gathered In on Riverwalker’s Blog Roll.
Check out the article on my Storage Containers at Riverwalker’s Gear Page.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
Thanks for all the great recipes for emergency food preparation. These are going to be included in written form in my store room for easy access--excellent post!
To: marie
That's a great idea to post them in your store room! Now why didn't I think of that?
Thanks a bunch marie!
Very cool, great suggestions...
To: survival chick
Thanks very much!
Please tell me you meant the baby formula as an emergency-only recipe.
Commercial powdered formula stores for a long time and is vastly superior to any home-made recipe.
To: bill in NC
You are correct bill in that this is an emergency type, field expedient tip - probably most useful for those that no longer have young babies who might have unexpected company during a crisis and may need to make an emergency batch. Of course the best way is to have some good quality commercial brand formula on hand for the possibility in the first place. Thanks for bringing that up!
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