Nature has its own way of hiding things in plain sight. Training yourself to be more observant in a wilderness situation will help you find things you may not notice otherwise. Many times wilderness food sources will be rather obvious and other times you won’t even notice them. An eye for detail and the subtle differences in things is sometimes required to see what others do not.
While sometimes wilderness food sources are quite obvious, at other times they will be hidden from your sight in plain view in the most unlikely of places. Your eyes may be open but can you see what is there. Nature’s pantry is all around us and we need only to keep our eyes open to see what is right in front of us.
There is a wilderness food source hidden in the picture above but can you see it?
Look closely or you’ll miss it!
Staying above the water line!
I must admit I don't see it. I'm guessing either bees, bird eggs or some wild plant...nettles perhaps.
Got me perplexed also.
There is a box of OREO cookies on the left-hand side.
To: jimmycrackedcorn
In the crook of the tree there is a mottle-colored bird's egg, I will admit the definition of the picture isn't that great. I adjusted to the size of the picture to center the egg for those with tunnel vision. Very good guess!
Thanks Jimmy.
To: Western Mass. Man
Just a bid egg! Birds still like trees, even if they are root side up. The give-away was the black background of the crook in the tree and even though the egg is mottle-colored it is still somewhat easily seen if you look hard enough.
To: anonymous 9:46
..but you missed the glass of milk on the right hand side! LOL
Thanks anon.
To: Wretha
I didn't see any mushrooms but there were probably some in the area.
Good stuff. I linked this, hope you don't mind.
To: Brigid
Thanks for the link. It is appreciated.
Thanks Brigid.
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