In a world of ever
increasing dominance of large national companies that control our food sources,
it is increasingly important that we make ourselves aware of the risks this
poses to our food supply. In his new book,Good Clean Food
, Samuel Epstein, MD
helps to inform everyone of these risks and gives you a better understanding of
the effects certain practices are having on our current food supply.
One of the main features of
this book is the help and understanding that can be gained from knowing about
how our food is labeled and whether it is truly organic and safe from toxic
substances that can affect our health. There is a wide discrepancy in the
manner in which our food is labeled and everyone should be aware of how to
properly read and understand the labels on our food products. While most
labeling isn't meant to be deceptive, it can also be very misleading if you aren't careful when reading the label. You can also learn to decipher the codes
on fruit and vegetables in order for you to determine which products are truly
organic and better for you and your family.
The book also offers tips on
shopping locally (farmer’s markets, etc.), growing your own food and even tips
for dining out. It also offers advice on nutritional and dietary approaches to
help undo some of the harmful effects in many of our processed foods.
There is also a section at
the end of each chapter with information on different organic farms and growers
that are considered to have safe and reliable food products. There is also an
extensive index with numerous businesses in the various states that have
reliable products that you can trust to be safe for your consumption.
Information can be a vital
key to understanding what is going on in our world. With government regulations
that are at most inadequate in the majority of cases where our food supply is
concerned, it is important to educate yourself about the possible risks to your
food supply.
The Giveaway
As an added bonus, a lucky
reader will also receive a free copy of “Good Clean Food” direct from the
publisher at no charge. Simply leave a comment about how you are taking the
necessary steps to have good clean food available for yourself and your family.
Whether it is growing your own vegetables, forming a buying club, or going to
farmer’s markets, let us know how you are working to make your food supply
safer. A winner will be chosen at random from the comments received. If
commenting anonymously, please leave an identifier in your comments. The winner
will be announced in a separate post on July 15th from the comments received.
About the Author
Samuel Epstein, MD is an
internationally recognized authority on avoidable causes of cancer. He is the
author of more than twenty books and 270 peer-reviewed articles and has served
as president of the Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, the
Rachel Carson Council, professor emeritus of environmental and occupational
medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, and chairman of
the Cancer Prevention Coalition.
Got Good Clean Food?
Staying above the water
Been filtering all water for drinking and cooking,Shop at the local farmers market,have a small garden and try to cook most meals from scratch.
We try to buy fruit and veg grown locally, as much as we can.
We plan, plant, care for and harvest a garden with the kids. We also raise hens that are purely pasture fed for eggs and meat. Currently we are enjoying fresh peas, lettuces, spinach, garlic, onions, pattypan, kale, chard, and mint. We will be harvesting some blueberries, blackberries, and apples in the next couple weeks. I love being able to have our gardens!
This year we planted a larger garden.
Most of it was washed away in heavy rains. We replanted it. Because of health concerns, we feel it is very important for us to grow as many of the vegetables we eat as we can.
We have tomatoes, peppers, squash, peas, beans, radish, kale all doing well now.
Getting ready to plant some more veggies for fall harvest too.
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