What little spare time that's left over while working a full-time job and two part-time jobs has just been used up. We had a recent Central Texas thunder boomer and the high winds ripped up the roof on my garage. The repairs have been started but are sure eating up my free time. My posts may be sporadic for a while due to having to make some necessary repairs. There goes a big chunk of my emergency fund!

We had some of the normal tree damage also that comes along with the stormy weather and now it's time to drag out the chainsaw and go to work.

Got a big limb touching the ground also that will need to be removed. There was a funnel cloud sighted in my area but don't really know if that was the problem here. Probably just some straight line wind damage.
Got some additional bushcraft posts planned but will need to work on those after the repairs are completed.
Staying above the water line!
Those super cells can be really violent. Glad you are ok and that it was the garage and trees as opposed to your house.
I swear we've had worse thunderstorms than any hurricane that has threatened. Two months ago a t-storm produced 79 MPH winds at the Naval Air Station. Hurricane Alex: 50 MPH. Granted, the valley got a little more...
Bummer! Sometimes, the little storms are the ones that leave as much damage as the hurricanes - hope you get your damage squared away soon.
Not too bad ...just need a little sweat equity, time and a chunk of my emergency fund. No major damage other than the fact I'm a little poorer now than I was last week.
Thanks everyone.
Those super cells can be really violent. Glad you are ok and that it was the garage and trees as opposed to your house.
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