Sunday, January 3, 2010

Smoker Barrel Cooking - Custom Smoking Sausage Rings

One of the easiest things to cook on a smoker barrel is rings of sausage. You can simply lay them on your grill and that will get the job done but the more traditional method is to hang the links above your fire to allow them to get more of that smoke flavor. It only takes a simple modification in order to do this.

The main thing you will need is a baffle plate and one or two metal rods. You can either hunt around your local scrap yard or recycling center to find some or make your own using a drill and some scrap metal. You will also need one or two metal rods that are longer than the width of your smoker barrel. One rod will hold quite a few sausage rings and two will hold a LOT. Simply drill holes slightly larger than your metal rods on opposite sides of your barrel. This will allow you to insert the rods to hold your sausage rings. Remember that two rods will hold a large number of sausage rings and one may be sufficient for most people unless you plan on cooking for a large group. You will also need to remove the top grill to allow easier access and give you space to hang your sausage rings. Once you have your baffle plate, rod(s) to hold your sausage rings and have removed the top grill you are ready to go. Don’t forget to load up your wood chip holder!

The next step is to lower your baffle plate directly over your charcoal basket once you’ve got your fire going. You can add your sausage rings to your holding rods by inserting the rod through the appropriate hole on one side of your barrel and slipping the sausage rings on one or two at a time. Once you have your sausage rings on your rod, insert the other end of the rod through the hole on the opposite side of your smoker barrel. Make sure your rods are long enough to give you a good hand hold and don’t forget to wear a set of good gloves, as they may get a little warm. Set your smoking temperature by adjusting your air intakes and you’re ready to start smoking your sausage rings.

An alternate method for hanging your sausage rings is to use large “S" hooks on your rod and hang the sausage rings from the hooks if you don’t wish to place them directly onto the rod itself.

When you aren’t smoking sausage rings, all you need to do is place a bolt and nut in the rod holes to seal them and prevent a loss of smoke and heat when cooking a brisket, etc. You can even store your rods inside your smoker barrel when not in use so that they will be there when you need them.

Got sausage?

Staying above the water line!



Anonymous said...

Really dumb question from a non smoker - what is the baffle for? Does sausage require more smoke spread?

riverwalker said...

To: anonymous 7:32

The baffle plate allows you to do a more balanced smoking of your sausage. Hanging the sausage rings is a more traditional method of smoking sausage to derive good smoking throughout the links.


Anonymous said...

Ah so - much thanks for the explanation sir.

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