Besides the things you may observe or experience personally, there are several ways you may be alerted to a disaster or an emergency situation before it occurs. Being aware of what is happening or about to happen can mean the difference in surviving a disaster or becoming a victim of one.
1.) Emergency Alert System
The Emergency Alert System is the one most people are probably already familiar with and begins “ If this had been an actual emergency…" These alerts are heard frequently on radio and TV broadcasts. You need to pay special attention to these broadcasts. There may come a time when the emergency will be for real.
2.) Television and Radio Announcements
Public announcements over radio and television channels provide much of our needed information during a disaster. In some areas, cable companies are equipped to relay emergency announcements during a disaster. But if you lose electrical power at home, you may be out of luck. You can hook up your own emergency generator to power your TV. If your TV service is provided by a cable company, they may lose power also and will probably be out of service and no signal will be available. Keep a small antenna or “rabbit ears” available to use with your TV. This may allow you to receive a signal from outside your immediate area which will help you get additional disaster information.
3.) Warning Sirens
In my area, the same sirens used by our volunteer fire departments also serve as disaster warning devices for the people in town. Instead of the intermittent blasts generally used by the fire department to indicate a fire, the sirens will sound continuously as a warning in the event of a disaster or other emergency. These types of outdoor warning systems may not be as useful if you are indoors and unable to hear them.
4.) Residential Alerts
Police department vehicles, Sheriff department vehicles, fire department vehicles, or in some cases military vehicles are used to alert people to emergency situations or for the need to evacuate. These vehicles are usually equipped with public address systems and may travel through neighborhoods broadcasting notifications to people of an emergency situation. They will generally give instructions on whether you should evacuate or stay inside your home. This may not always occur depending upon the strain that may be placed on emergency services during a disaster or an emergency.
5.) NOAA Weather Bulletins
One of the primary sources of information about possible weather disasters is the NOAA weather broadcasts. These broadcasts are available 24 hours a day and can play an important part in keeping you informed of dangerous weather conditions. Include a good battery powered radio in your emergency kit capable of receiving the NOAA weather broadcasts and alerts. This will help you to survive during dangerous weather conditions.
Being aware of your surroundings, being informed about what is happening and being prepared ahead of time will help you to survive most any disaster or emergency situation.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
I reckon a NOAA radio, and AM/FM battery powered radio should be standard in everyone's gear bag... A small radio with earbuds will fit anywhere, and just might save yer butt! They're cheap too.... Don't forget the extra batteries!
...good call Mayberry...xtra batteries...good idea to inspect what has batteries in it,check for corrosion,function etc...
To: Mayberry
Emergency radios are a good thing. Have couple is backup!
Batteries - always need batteries.
To: Ken
Checking for corrosion... a real neccessity! Thanks.
If I might add one important point: keep an eye out for those amber lighted signs on the highway: they could alert you to the presence of zombies in the area.
Ran across a solar 9v, AA, AAA charger this morning perusing RV stuff. Can't remember where it was, but I'll try to find it and post it. I have rechargeables on board with an AC charger which will run on the inverter, but to me, solar is better.
Also have a CB, Serius Satellite Radio in the Truck, Shortwave/NOAA/etc, etc. and if time allows, will at least get my Technician Ham license.
To: Brass
Will keep a watch out gor them!
ToL RV Survivalist
Sounds like you've got the radio department covered. I use some solar powered equipment and have solar powered battery works for me! Thanks.
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