Coffee filters can be used for much more than just filtering coffee. Coffee filters have numerous alternate uses. This will save you money and make everyday tasks a lot easier. Consider the following alternate ways to use coffee filters. Use your leftover coffee filters from an old coffeemaker or simply buy a few to help make things a little easier. Coffee filters can be very useful in a number of different ways and are a great storage item with multiple uses.
Filter Used Cooking Oil
Don't waste cooking oil in your fryer just because it contains a few crumbs. Use a coffee filter to filter the particles out. This will allow you to re-use the cooking oil. You may need to stir it occasionally to move aside any particles that may be blocking the filtration process.
Make Herb and Spice Bundles
Fresh herbs and spices are often used to season or to add flavor to soups or stews. Many times these need to be removed after the flavor has been released or when you are finished cooking. Simply wrap the herbs or spices in a coffee filter and tie up with a piece of twine. Place it in the food being prepared and it can be easily removed later. This is a good way to cook the flavor out of bay leaves, cloves, peppercorn, and many other herbs or spices that aren't normally eaten.
You can also use coffee filters to make tea bags using loose tea.
Use as a Water Filter
Coffee filters can also make great “expedient” type water filters, especially if you have no other means to filter your water. They are also lightweight and can be used as a substitute for paper towels.
Use as a Dusk Mask
If you don’t have a dust or particle mask handy, you could also use a coffee filter as an “expedient” dust mask in an emergency. They can even be moistened to help filter out particles better. Note: Coffee filters are not an acceptable substitute for regular dust and particles masks.
There are numerous uses for coffee filters. The only limits on their use is your imagination.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
good for cleaning glasses too
To: pickdog
Thanks for the tip!
I do not use a microwave. So, I use a coffee filter, the round ones, in my stainless steamer basket (the kind with a center stem and petals that folds up) when I reheat mashed potatoes. Gets them really hot,they stay moist and they do not stick.
Then, I feed the filter to the worms.
Thanks for posting the above information. These filters also make a good expedient TP in the wild - just be sure to bury or burn after use.
I'd post something real nice here but I gotta go buy some coffee filters. See ya later!
Who would have thought that something as simple and inexpensive as a coffee filter could be used in a survival situation. Thanks for the info.
To: anonymous
Use in steamer basket. Check!
Use as expedient TP. Check!
Use as worm food. Check!
To: Michael
Yep! I need more coffe filters also.
To: bullseye
In a survival situation, you can bet I'm going to be using every thing as much as possible.Thanks.
Forgot to mention they can also be used to make a great cup of coffee!
fry a potato in that used cooking oil .that will clean it also. we always saved bacon grease as a kid and that was a trick my depresion era dad taught me . hag1 enjoy your blog keep up good work ty
To: anonymous
Great tip on frying the potato!
Thanks RW
I reckon I'm sol cause we use a percolator..
To: greenville road
At least you aren't using instant!
a coffee filter makes a great prefilter for a back packing water purifier, it extends the life of the cartridge filter
To: anonymous
That's a good one! Pre-filter for backpacking filter - adding it to the list! Thanks.
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