Monday, October 20, 2008

Preppin' 101 - Part 3 - Health - Training and First Aid

Being prepared is easier than you think. Once you have taken care of the basic food items (temporary and long term) and your water needs for drinking and sanitation purposes (including storage and purification methods), the next area you will need to cover is your basic health needs. One of the most important areas is training in basic first aid and CPR.

1.) Training

The foremost item when addressing your health needs is training. If at all possible, you should obtain training in first aid and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) in order to be knowledgeable about what to do in a crisis or emergency. Accidents or medical emergencies can occur at any time and don’t need a natural disaster in order for them to leave you in a world of hurt and pain! Many local EMS (Emergency Medical Services), fire departments, and hospitals offer free or low cost hands-on training. Check with these services in your area to see what is available. There are also resources available online for training in first aid and CPR.

2.) First Aid Manual

The next item you should have is a good First Aid Manual. This is an item EVERY household should have and keep handy at all times, both at home and in your vehicle. Even a fairly intelligent person can use a good First Aid Manual to deliver basic emergency care with out doing further harm. Remember even the simplest of injuries may have serious or unknown complications. Always dial 911 immediately so that properly trained help will be on the way as soon as possible. Your life or the life of someone else may depend on your actions.

3.) First Aid Supplies

Having basic First Aid Kits (FAK) on hand will help to cover most minor emergency situations. Keeping a small first aid kit in your EDC (Every Day Carry) pouch or bag is always important. Keeping another small First Aid Kit in the glove compartment of your vehicle(s) will give you a back-up as well as additional supplies. The next item to have is a larger size kit to cover minor problems of a more serious nature. A good kit should be kept in the home and your vehicle(s) at all times. These should be checked frequently and any used items or out-dated items replaced. Then, depending upon the level of training you have achieved, a more advanced kit will be in order. This will help you to respond to emergencies of a more serious nature. Remember; in cases of serious emergencies always call 911 to get properly trained and qualified personnel on the scene as soon as possible. If you have training as a healthcare professional, EMT, nurse (RN, LVN), or doctor, a more advanced trauma kit may be included in your preparations.

There are many risks to your health and well-being in your everyday activities. There are also even greater risks to your health in a natural or man-made disaster. Being prepared will increase the chances for you and your family to survive.
Staying above the water line!


gott_cha said...

Good post!

Seems we all fail short on this....err at least most of us do.

I need to take a refresher course for sure.

Patricia said...

We've got the kits, in car and home, and fairly well supplied kits at that. We have some first aid manuals, but want a better one. The stepson, of whom I am righteously proud, is a paramedic in training. I've gotta get some EMT training under my belt...there's a bunch of nurses living here, which is excellent. It really pays to think about all this, RW. Great post.

riverwalker said...

To: gott_cha

My work requires annual refresher course in advanced first aid and CPR.


riverwalker said...

To: patricia

I include a link in the post to a free first aid and CPR manual.


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