SOG Fasthawk
Blade Length: 2 inches Weight: 19 oz. Overall Length:12.5 inches
SOG Tomahawk
Blade Length: 2.75 inches Weight: 24 oz. Overall Length:15.75 inches
Performed a quick field test on some oak firewood in the backyard. Smaller oak limbs(4-6 inches in diameter) were cut in half easily with both SOG axes. The largest piece(10-12 inches in diameter) the SOG Tomahawk was definitely easier, but the SOG Fasthawk did the job as well. In addition, I pruned some small limbs(4-6 inches in diameter) off trees. Again, I could not find a significant difference in performance between them.
I found the compact size of the SOG Fasthawk to be worth the slight sacrifice in performance over the SOG Tomahawk. The Fasthawk will be allocated to my EDC(Every Day Carry) and the Tomahawk will find a home in my BOB(Bug Out Bag.)
Staying above the water line!
This past Christmas, our Wally World had a SOG Tomahawk (I don't recall which model) and and companion knife for $20 or $25 dollars. I didn't buy it, but wonder if I made a mistake on passing on the deal.
Oh well, Christmas is just around the corner, lol.
Thanks for the review.
Both looks great, but I prefer the smaller oen
Some great points made in this post, I totally agree with your tips! My friend Gareth would be interested in reading this I think :)
Wow! Very frecking cool! Love axes.
Wow! What an axe! Very cool. Could work well for breaking in homes. haha
Henry is right. The smaller one is much easier to carry around and can be great for hunting if used properly. Great and well written review mate.
Recently found the Estwing Blackhawk tomahawk on closeout from McCoy's Lumber. Originally $40, now down to $21. I think it is worth it. Like all Estwing tools, single piece steel tool. See link for description.
Watch for those to hit the clearance caps. I got 1 for 8 bucks.
Nice and informative article. This article helps me. Keep doing this.
You really provided great information to us. This is really helpful. Thanks for sharing.
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