Saturday, February 9, 2013

Survival Food Test - RW Tests Freeze Dried Meals from DailyBread

Daily Bread is a sister site of and offers freeze dried meals with a 25 year shelf life. A decision was made that it was time for Riverwalker to check out their freeze-dried food products. After receiving a free sample from my friend Jeff at, Mrs. RW and I had a nice lunch of Beef Stroganoff with noodles and Lasagna with meat sauce. The results were a pleasant surprise.

The first thing that impressed me was the quality of the packaging. The packages were clearly labeled with nutrition information, contents and very clear and concise preparation instructions. They also featured an easy open tear notch on the package that worked as it was intended. There was also an inner zip lock inside the pouch that is used to seal the pouch while waiting for your meal to heat up after adding the required hot water. All the features of the packaging worked as intended. Riverwalker gives the packaging thumbs up!

The next thing that impressed me was that the meal was easily prepared in the pouch. This eliminates the need for a separate cooking container. It also means there won’t be any dirty dishes to be washed. This is important if water sources are at a premium during a crisis. You will need to remove the oxygen absorber from the pouch (the little blue packets in the pic) before adding the hot water. Preparation gets a thumbs up from RW!

Even though the contents showed a higher sodium content than I normally prefer, the meals were not too salty and the seasoning was adequate and not overdone. Mrs. RW said she was quite surprised at how tasty the meals were and offered to help me finish off my beef Stroganoff and noodles. I also sampled her lasagna with meat sauce and found it to be very tasty as well. While only being around 300 calories each, they did alleviate my hunger and left me with a very satisfied feeling. Taste gets another thumbs up from Mrs. RW and myself.

These freeze dried meals would also be great for camping and backpacking. They are lightweight and require only the ability to heat water to prepare. They also mean you don’t have unnecessary cleanup chores or extra cooking containers to haul around. A dozen or so empty pouches would weigh significantly less than the average cooking pot.

You can experience the taste of Daily Bread products by visiting
where you can sign up for your own free sample of Daily Bread.

The Glock Lady, my daughter, is a big fan of their products and also recommends you check out their Emergency Supplies.

Staying above the water line!



  1. A friend gave me some of their products to take to deer camp. They indeed, are one of the better freeze dried meals out there. Thanks for spreading the word.

  2. To: Brigid

    Most people are unaware that many of the freeze-dried meals that are available are not only nutritious and tasty but are easy to prepare and have an excellent shelf life. They make an excellent for camp or on backpacking trips.

    It sure beats packing several
    cans of beans in that backpack...

    Thanks Brigid.


    P.S. Thanks for the heads up the other day!

  3. I've been partial to Mountain House, Richmoor and Alpine Aire for years.


  4. I tend to shy away from companies that won't tell you prices, until you've either ordered, or submitted all your contact details.

  5. To: idahobob

    The ones you mentioned are companies with good products also...many times it is governed by what's available and what we are accustomed to using.

    Thanks bob.


  6. To: Ed

    Prices can vary widely from company to company. Like most people, I tend to shop for bargains or specials to help save money on needed items.

    Thanks Ed.



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