Saturday, December 1, 2012

Food Storage Alternatives for the Beginning Prepper on a Budget

When giving advice to those who are just getting started in their preparedness efforts, we often forget that changes in lifestyles can have a dramatic effect on the family budget. Fortunately, there are alternatives to breaking the proverbial piggy bank in order to be better prepared.

Food storage is one of the main parts of becoming better prepared. We all have to eat and sufficient food items are going to be a basic requirement. This is where intermediate food storage items can play a vital role in your family’s long term food storage program.

There are many items available that come pre-packaged in serving amounts that will meet the needs of most families. They can be purchased as single items or in multiple units depending upon your budget and your family's needs. They also have shelf lives that range from 6 months to a year. This makes them ideal for an intermediate long term food storage program. All you need is a couple of food grade buckets or storage containers.

Instant mashed potatoes, gravy mixes, cornbread mixes, biscuit mixes, small packages of rice, beans, dried soups or most any type of pasta can be easily stored in a bucket to provide a variety of food items that are easily prepared without a lot of prior preparation. They will also fit into your families current dietary preferences without causing the need for a big change in their diet. Fill a food storage container with a variety of items and  mark a use by date on the outside of the bucket once it’s been filled. Then set it aside till needed or when it becomes necessary to use it in your food rotation before it reaches its expiration date. 

At a later date and when your budget permits, you can expand your long term food storage with additional longer term food storage items.

Got intermediate food storage?

Staying above the water line!



  1. I moved recently and couldn’t believe how much of this kind of stuff I had squirreled away. I have a habit of buying cans of soup, those rice or pasta packets, and instant potatoes when they’re on sale but rarely end up eating them, instead going out to eat or eating a frozen meal because it’s easier to microwave something and not dirty up dishes. I find myself in between jobs now though so I’m trying to conserve money – I guess I’ve got plenty of food to last awhile. All I really need to purchase now are things like milk, eggs, and bread. Plus a can of soup is pretty filling and not very many calories; so I might lose a little weight while I’m at it!

  2. hehehe...i just fired on a can of spam for a couple quick fried sammiches, labeled 'best before sept-08',the next ones in line are dated,curiously checkin' the box of instant smashed taters were currently using is dated 'dec 07-11'...

    ...couldn't resist RW, truthfully bro',it would suck to be "just beginning" to prep huh...

  3. I've got a large coffee can with these envelopes, but the stash could use a much needed upgrade - thanks for the reminder. Everytime I go to the dollar store, I buy at least one container of salt, pepper or other spice. I'm running out of space fast!

  4. Shelf Reliance offers an awesome plan called the Q. Its like netflix for food where you can set your own monthly budget and pick the foods that are sent to you. They have fruits, veggies, meats and cheeses with a 25-30 year shelf life. This takes the guess work and the big spending out of food storage!

  5. When first starting out, this was a great way for me to "stockpile" a few extra goodies. Probably need to keep more of this type of food items on hand even though I have several large buckets of food squirreled away already.


  6. The hardest part in food storage or preparedness is starting.
    That said, don't buy stuff you don't normally eat. If you buy canned soups, buy an extra couple of the ones you eat when on sale. Buy spices and seasonings from the bulk bins and refill your containers, much cheaper.
    Just start.

  7. just a note,if you buy the boxed items,toss them in the freezer a few days to kill any critter egg in them.I do this with bisquick,pancake mix,flour and so on.


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