Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pack Knife Options - The Camp Cleaver

Here's a great tip from a reader!

Anonymous said...

Another possibility for pack knife - small meat cleaver. Very inexpensive when purchased at a 2nd hand store, and will definitely do a good job chopping wood for fire as a mini hatchet. Provides more edge for slicing too. The back and leading edge makes for a decent shovel spade.

Got camp cleaver?

Staying above the water line!



  1. ...great tip, will add to the stores immediately...that's an 'anon' tip they should've put a handle on eh??? ...a 'thank you' to "a name" seems better, for good info...

  2. To: Ken

    This anon is a regular commenter and probably prefers to stay anonymous.

    Still a great tip and one that I already practice. I buy every small meat cleaver I can find...they make a great expedient chopping tool for wood or meat.

    Thanks Ken.


  3. I'm the anon who posted this previously, but I can't take full credit for this one - I'm just passing this one along. I read this several years ago, tried it myself and found it was true - cleavers ARE handy outdoor tools to keep around.

  4. To: anon 7:51

    Most things aren't really new...they've just been forgotten until someone reminds us.

    Thanks anon for a great tip that was "passed along".


  5. My father had a cleaver for camp use. He put a somewhat extended handle on it from a broken hatchet. It was very useful for kindling, notching and trimming poles or such around the camp.A fine idea here, thanks.


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