Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ten Simple Survival Tips

During a disaster or crisis, remembering a few simple survival tips may help you to handle the situation more effectively and efficiently. This will help to maximize your chances for survival.

Ten Simple Survival Tips

1. Remember that disasters don’t follow a timetable and can happen at any time.

2. Major goals are more easily achieved by dividing them into smaller ones.

3. Information is critical and you need to stay as well informed as possible.

4. Without proper maintenance, your equipment may fail when needed the most.

5. It’s important to always keep extra food and water readily available.

6. During a disaster, be prepared for things to change quickly and suddenly.

7. Surviving can be difficult but it can be a lot harder if you do something stupid.

8. During a disaster, emergency services will take longer than normal to respond.

9. Surviving a disaster  is easier to achieve when you are prepared for change.

10. Never underestimate your own abilities and maintain a positive attitude.

Staying above the water line!



  1. I might also add "practice makes perfect". I know I have to work on that one.

  2. To: milleniumfly

    Need to work on that one myself!




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