Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Riverwalker’s Book Review - The Homesteading Handbook

The Homesteading Handbook by Abigail Gehring is a basic guide suitable for those wishing to become more self-reliant and pursue a simpler lifestyle by developing homesteading skills. The book has an extensive section on home canning and an equally impressive amount on gardening. Growing your own food and being able to preserve it is a major part of homesteading. There is also adequate information for the novice included in this book. It also includes information on a wide variety of topics and subjects that can be of interest to the person new to or currently involved in homesteading.

Even if you’re just looking to save some money by growing and preserving your own food, this guide will help you achieve that goal. If you are looking for ideas about alternative energy projects, tips on raising chickens, building sheds and fences or a variety of other homesteading projects, you can find worthwhile information in this guide. It can most definitely help you learn how to live off the land.

The Homesteading Handbook covers just about everything that is homestead related. While detailed information on many of the topics is somewhat limited, it has enough information to properly steer your homesteading efforts in the direction you wish to go. It’s a fantastic beginner’s homesteading guide that can get you started on a path to being more self-reliant. This guide was very informative on the subject of modern day homesteading and covers a multitude of topics in a very simple and easy to read format at a reasonable price.

The Homesteading Handbook is available here:

The Homesteading Handbook: A Back to Basics Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Canning, Keeping Chickens, Generating Your Own Energy, Crafting, Herbal Medicine, and More (Back to Basics Guides)

Staying above the water line!



  1. Gonna have to get that one for my library.
    Thanks RW

  2. To: Western Mass. Man

    It has a lot of info on canning and a decent amount of information on raising chickens and planting a garden (compost, etc.). Some of the different things are only moderately covered but it still give you some great ideas for your homestead.

    This is a great little guide for people wanting to get back to a simpler and less complicated lifestyle.

    Thanks Western Mass. Man.



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