Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Riverwalker's Pics - River Trail

Mrs. RW and myself took a little time to do some riverwalking the other day. It was a slightly warm day with temperatures over a 100 degrees but still nice and relaxing. We also saw a young fawn that had already lost most of its spots. 

Done any riverwalking lately?

Staying above the water line!



  1. Not lately, but I've been itching to get in some freshwater fishing lately, doesn't have to be glamorous, Rio Grande perch and bass will do just fine. :^)

    Anytime outside time is good, I hope a good time was had by all.

  2. To: anonymous 6:42

    The wildlife we encountered was pretty scarce and probably due mostly to the high temperatures and lack of recent rains. Otherwise, it's sort of relaxing to get outside and enjoy things in their "natural" state.

    Thanks anon.



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