Quite often the independent nature created by developing our own self reliance leads us to forget an important aspect of self reliance. There will be times when one person may not be able to perform tasks in a normal manner due to abnormal circumstances. This is where cross training can increase your chances of survival.
Cross training is having more than one person capable of certain tasks that are a requirement to keep things working smoothly. Even the simple act of changing a tire is something that every member of the family should know how to do in an emergency should it become necessary. Likewise, everyone in the family should be able to prepare a basic meal should the “regular” cook become incapacitated in some manner. No matter the task, you should always have someone that can function as a backup. You should also have the most capable person performing that task. In the event they are unable to do so, having a backup is going to make things go a lot smoother and more efficiently.
An injury, illness or absence due to your presence being needed elsewhere or simply becoming separated in a crisis can leave other family members at a distinct disadvantage. Cross training will not only increase your self reliance but it will also enable things to get back to a state of normal a lot quicker and faster that might otherwise possible.
It is also important to remember that in a crisis even routine and mundane tasks can add to a person’s sense of well-being and importance to the overall functioning of the family as a unit. Young children can be taught many simple tasks that would allow other family members to work on more pressing needs. This adds to their importance in the family unit and will increase your ability to maintain your self reliance.
By way of example, in my training of personnel at work, everyone generally has specialized duties which they perform. In their absence, there is always someone else that is capable of performing that task. They may not be the fastest or most efficient at that particular task but the job will get done. Thus, the unit as a whole will continue to function even though it may be at a somewhat slower pace. At least things won’t come to a grinding halt.
Cross training is fairly simple to incorporate into your lifestyle. Just take a little extra time and patience to show other family members how and what needs to be done. Whether it’s how to change a flat tire, repair a water leak, cook a meal or repair a roof, realize that you can’t impart years of experience and practice overnight to a novice. It’s also important to remember the physical and mental aspects that a task may require and make sure the individual being cross trained in that skill can manage the task on both a physical and mental level. If the task can’t be performed safely by that person you will be adding an additional element of risk to your survival that is unnecessary.
Got cross training for survival?
Staying above the water line!
I am amazed that so many people would rather eat out than cook their own meals. Its as if their only excuse for having a kitchen is 'it came with the house', the microwave and refrigerator being the only used implements inside it.
ReplyDeleteEvery child (boys and girls) should be taught some rudimentary skills in sewing, simple vehicle repairs and maintenance, cooking and self defense skills. Knowing how to manage money, especially keeping your bank book balanced is also good.
When I was 14, my father was leaving for work when he walked back in the house and said, "Your mother's car has a flat, change the tire." I said that I didn't know how. He said the instructions are in the trunk. Several women I knew were told by their fathers, "If you want to drive, you are going to show me that you can change a tire." I'm a guy but I learned how to cook, sew on a button, and wash clothes as well has how to change the oil, clean an air filter, maintain small gas engines do basic plumbing etc. We learned because we had to and because we wanted to. Times were changing then and it is completely different now. Our society has devolved to the point where dependence is the norm and self-reliance is considered quaint or even weird.
ReplyDeleteAt 50 I could easily do things I find difficult or impossible at 78. Changing a flat is not as easy as it once was. Try not to need the help of strangers. Good samaritans stop to help you. Predators stop to help themselves.
ReplyDeleteFriday Feb 11 afternoon I placed a telephone credit card order.
Wednesday Feb 16 UPS brought the Bushranger X-Jack to my door.
One of the main things to worry about is becoming incapacitated in some form during a crisis. If you don't have anybody with the skills to assist you or take over your duties, it's going to be extremely difficult to recover.