Sunday, July 17, 2011

The 5 C’s for Building Your Personal Survival Kit

The first thing to remember about a Personal Survival Kit is that it is personal. The items you may need in your PSK will vary according to several different factors. The size, type and quantity of items will be different for almost every individual and your PSK should be built around your personal needs. Using a little common sense and having a PSK that you are comfortable with will insure that you will always have it with you when it is needed.

The 5 C’s for Building Your Personal Survival Kit

1. Container - One of the most important factors when building a PSK is the container for those items necessary for your survival. If it isn’t something you are comfortable carrying at all times, the chances are it will be left behind and not be available when you need it. The main way to solve this problem when building a PSK is to find a container you are comfortable carrying at all times. Once you have made a decision about what type of container you will be going to use, you can start the process of assembling your PSK. The size and type of the container you are using will determine the type and amount of items you can carry.

2. Carry - You will also need to factor in the method you will be using to carry your PSK.  Depending upon the type of container you choose, the method of carry will be different and this will impose limits on your PSK so that it doesn’t become a burden. You may have decided to use a small container for your pocket, a belt pouch, or items on a lanyard or a keychain. You may have even opted for a small fanny pack. No matter what type of carry you have decided upon for your PSK, it has to be something that you are comfortable with at all times.

3. Contents - The contents of your PSK should complement your EDC (every day carry) items and should act as a backup to those items. If you regularly carry a folding pocket knife, a small utility blade could then be included in your PSK as a backup.  Similarly, if you carry a bandanna in your back pocket, you won’t need one in your PSK. Perhaps you carry a good multi-tool on your belt at all times; this would allow you to include a miniature one in your PSK as a backup. In all cases, your PSK contents should complement your EDC items.

4. Complement - Your PSK should also complement your skill levels and individual abilities. If your skill levels are better than average, you may be able to get by with less than you think. On the other hand, if you are not very good at something you may need additional backup items in your PSK to cover any deficiencies in your skill levels. It should be designed to fit your own personal skill levels and abilities. Remember, the more you know, the less you will need to carry.

5. Change - Don’t hesitate to make changes to your PSK.  Changing the way you carry your PSK or its contents should be a natural process. As your skill levels increase, your needs for certain items will decrease. If you find an area that could be a problem, you can work to solve that problem by making the necessary changes. Change is sometimes required to maintain a proper balance of items in your PSK.

Your PSK (Personal Survival Kit) should be a personal reflection of your skills and abilities and will be unique in almost all circumstances. There is seldom a “one size fits all” Personal Survival Kit.

Keeping it personal?

Staying above the water line!



  1. I hate fanny packs but they would be ideal for a Personal Survival Kit.

  2. To: Big Bear

    I keep a fanny pack hanging on the back of the seat of my's main purpose is for use as a GHB (get home bag).

    I actually have a small belt pouch which I prefer for carrying those items which I don't normally carry everyday.



  3. That's good stuff to carry, although I would want it to be as light as possible. Personally, I've carried a Photon II LED keychain light for years (among other stuff)... can't tell you how often I've found need for it.

  4. To: milleniumfly

    If you carry something that is useful on an everyday much the better.




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