Saturday, June 25, 2011

Riverwalker's Pics - Six Striped Race Runner

Six Striped Race Runner

The Six Striped Race Runner is a very common lizard found in many parts of the country. They are very wary little creatures that are amazingly fast. When making their get-a-way, they can approach speeds close to 20 miles per hour.

Mrs. RW's dog, Lady, loves to chase them but so far hasn't had much luck catching one.

Staying above the water line!



  1. Those little rascals can really scoot! Good luck in trying to catch one!

    I think that instinct must kick in when a dog sees a lizard and just has to chase it!

  2. We had a bunch of those at the old house. Here we just have green anoles. Just as entertaining, if not a bit slower...

  3. We had a bunch of those at the old house. Here we just have green anoles. Just as entertaining, if not a bit slower...


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