For well over a decade now, Gerber has managed to create some of the best multi-function tools made today. They are making them stronger and more versatile than ever before. Gerber offers a wide range of multi-tools for almost any purpose.
Standard Needlenose Pliers
Wire cutter
Needlenose pliers
Drop point knife blade
Can opener
Crosshead screwdriver (Philips head)
Large flathead screwdriver
Medium flathead screwdriver/ Bottle opener
Small flathead screwdriver
Nylon sheath

One of the best features of this multi-tool is the locking mechanism for the accessories. All components lock open with Gerber’s patented SAF-T PLUS locking system. This is probably one of the safest, strongest and most durable locking systems available on a multi-tool. This allows you to use the accessories without having to worry about suffering an unintended injury.

In addition, the file on this multi-tool is large and durable enough to do the job for which it was intended.
A multi-tool is about the closest thing to a tool box that can be carried in your hand and can help you get the job done when your survival is on the line.
Staying above the water line!
I definitely want one of these. Hmm I probably should get two, because sure as I got one "someone" would decide it was his! lol
To: SciFi Chick
The locking mechanism for the accessories of this multi-tool is a great safety feature and makes it a good choice.
If you got two, one could be your "back-up".
...lol,Santa brought me that exact same model for my stocking...you sure yer not Santa?...
To: Ken
Only once each year...then I shave the beard and shed a few pounds.lol
Thanks Ken.
BTW, I got mine from Santa also!
Very cool review. I think my favorite of the Leatherman / Gerber / Swiss multi-tools is the discontinued Schrade Tough Grip, a few folding tool blade inside a standard 6" Vice grip needle nose plier.
The tools inside the handle include a knife blade, saw, and one blade and Philips head screwdriver. Not everything, but versatile enough to get a lot done. Locking pliers are VERY handy to have!
To: anonymous 12:41
Been trying to find one with the locking vise grips but if they're out there...nobody's giving them up.
Just have to keep looking for one...
Thanks anon.
This is one of my favorite models, even though it's a bit dated. The 'flick' sound to many is what gave Gerber a marketing edge for several years. The quality of the tools (in my opinion) is a bit less than that of Leatherman or SOG, but they still have great designs.
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