Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stealth EDC - Gerber Mini Paraframe

The Gerber Mini Paraframe Fine Edge knife is a lightweight design suitable for your EDC (every day carry) gear. At slightly more than 3 inches, this small folder with a “frame lock” and clip point design is well suited for pocket carry.

It also works great as a money clip for stealth purposes.

Got stealth pocket folder?

Staying above the water line!



  1. I was leery of recent Gerber Chinese made cutlery, but during a recent knife buy from an individual, he included one of these as a 'freebie'. I was impressed, for less than $10, this is not bad at all, a definite step over those $2 cheap knife folders.

    I just wish the blade lost the serrations, those are very hard for me to sharpen.

    Thanks Riverwalker.

  2. Oops, my bad - this knife doesn't have the serrations, I was thinking of another blade. My apologies for confusion.

  3. To: anonymous 11:59

    The knifes come in both versions...fine edge only or with the serration. I have a larger folder, the Paraframe I, with the serrations for cutting those tougher items.

    Thanks anon.



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