Sunday, October 24, 2010

Senior Survival Solutions - Ten Ways to Avoid Vulnerability

One of the most serious threats to senior members of our society is the fact that many are seen as more vulnerable due to their age or infirmity. Predators of all kinds will always seek out what appears to be the weakest individuals when on the hunt. They will single you out and attempt to take advantage of your vulnerability if you allow it to happen. Your vulnerability often comes from the feeling that you have no control over the outcome should you find yourself under attack. With a little advanced preparation and planning, you can avoid these types of situations altogether or exercise the necessary control to make sure that when such a situation happens you will be in control and therefore be less vulnerable.

A feeling of vulnerability can lead people to feel more endangered and threatened in almost every aspect of their daily lives. Your basic sense of trust and feelings of security can be altered until they have a negative impact on your safety and your life in general. While we would all like to believe that the world is a safe place to live in, these expectations are not really the result of rational thought but may be more a result of wishful thinking on our part. If we allow our feelings of vulnerability to overcome us, they can become a breeding ground for the numerous fears that will affect our comfort levels and our sense of security in performing routine daily activities.

The first thing you should do is prepare yourself mentally for these situations. Think about the different scenarios you may find yourself in and look for solutions that you can easily implement into your daily routine. Learn to think both tactically and strategically in order to minimize your vulnerability and reduce your risks of becoming a victim.

Secondly, you should learn and apply the various self defense and personal security techniques that will allow you to avoid placing yourself in a vulnerable position and thereby avoid endangering your survival. Many of these techniques are very simple and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

There is a given amount of uncertainty in all our lives. This is a simple fact that we all have to face whether we want to or not. The uncertainty of events in our lives becomes a needless burden if we fail to realize that it exists and can lead to a wide range of extremely negative emotions. These negative emotions will only cloud your reasoning and prohibit you from effectively dealing with situations where you may be vulnerable. Denial and avoidance of the reality that you won’t find yourself in a bad situation is not an effective survival strategy.

Staying calm, keeping your wits about you and applying logical, well thought out solutions is going to be one of the most effective way to control the events in your life. This can only help to reduce your vulnerability. By employing some simple survival strategies, you can reduce your fear of being vulnerable in a world where there is an increasing amount of threats to our everyday activities. Hard times and desperate people quite often will try to take advantage of any opportunity you give them. Don’t make things easy for them!

Senior Survival Techniques and Strategy

1.) Use Group Survival Techniques - Plan your activities so as to be part of a group.

One of the most effective means to reduce your vulnerability is to utilize the advantages of being part of a group. There is strength in numbers and being part of a group will reduce your vulnerability. Even a small group of three or four individuals will be a huge deterrent to most anyone seeking to take advantage of you.

2.) Avoid Solo Excursions - Plan your activities where you will not be by yourself.

One of the worst things you can do is place yourself in a situation where you will be by yourself. Your safety will be entirely dependent upon your own capabilities. If you are hampered by any type of infirmity that reduces your abilities, you will be vulnerable and there is always the chance that it will be perceived as a weakness that others may seek to take advantage of for their benefit.

3.) Ask for Assistance - Don’t be afraid to ask for help or assistance.

Many times we may be afraid to ask for assistance or help so as to avoid creating a burden for others. Try to make sure that when seeking assistance from others that it doesn’t involve creating a burden. Try to plan your requests for assistance so as to avoid putting a strain on the activities of those from whom you are seeking help. Remember that things like having to take off work or canceling their own plans in order to assist you are a burden. Try to coordinate your needs for assistance with their activities.

4.) Keep Your Home Secure - A properly secured home environment is critical.

Make sure to have proper lighting for all outdoor areas (porch, yard etc.) so that visible threats can be easily recognized and dealt with appropriately. Make sure that all doors and windows have effective and properly installed locks or safety devices. Make sure that their use is a common practice and part of your daily routine.

5.) Maintain Effective Communications - Have effective communication available.

With the advent of cell phone technology, the ability to summon help when needed is easier now than at any other time in our history. If threatened, injured or in need of help, it can prevent you from becoming placed in a vulnerable situation when you may need emergency assistance during a critical situation. Stay in touch with other family members.

6.) Avoid Distractions - Maintain an awareness of your surroundings at all times.

Awareness of your environment can be critical. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted to the point where you may not be able to recognize possible threats in advance. It should also include an awareness of how others perceive you. If you allow yourself to be seen as weak or vulnerable, others will notice this behavior and you could ultimately put yourself at risk. Your appearance should be one that shows confidence and capability. Always try to develop a continual sense of awareness and pay strict attention to the world around you. The last thing you want to do is to let someone or something sneak up on you when you least expect it.

7.) Avoid Frustration - Frustration only increases your vulnerability.

Frustration is a normal part of life. We don’t always get things our way but this should not become a deterrent that will keep you from reaching your goals. It is nearly impossible to prepare in advance for all the things life may throw at us. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to prepare ahead of time. There are numerous things that will interfere with our daily lives and avoiding or limiting the effects of these items will reduce the amount of frustration you will have to deal with on a personal level.

8.) Avoid the Perception of Being Vulnerable - Don’t exhibit the appearance of being vulnerable.

If you are perceived as vulnerable, you may only increase the chances of someone trying to take advantage of you or the situation. You should also remember that appearances can be deceiving and a threat may not be easily recognizable as a result. Learn to trust your instincts. If something doesn’t look or feel right, it’s probably not.

9.) Utilize Means of Personal Protection - Be ready to defend yourself at all time.

Utilize any means possible to insure your personal safety. A simple walking cane or an umbrella can be an effective means of personal protection. Pepper sprays or stun guns can also provide further elements of personal protection. Additional personal protection can even be provided through the use of firearms but only if you can safely, effectively and efficiently use them without further endangering your own survival.

10.) Use All Your Resources - Don’t place limits on your available options.

Use any and all options at your disposal. Don’t place arbitrary limits on your abilities that could increase your vulnerability. You are only as vulnerable as you allow yourself to be.

These are but a few of the strategies and tactics that can be used to help reduce your vulnerability in a world where the unexpected can happen at any time. With advance planning and preparedness you can meet the challenges of everyday life that may threaten your survival. Many of these techniques can also be applied to non-senior family members.

Got senior survival solutions?

Staying above the water line!


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