Sunday, September 19, 2010

Free Bushcraft Books Downloads - Expedition Medicine

Kayaking on open sea water (G. Bruce)

Knowledge is a fundamental part of survival. It is what feeds our brain and makes it your best survival tool. When traveling in any type of outdoor scenario, it is important to have information that will help you maintain your health and safety. Here are some free basic guides that are available in a secure download to help further your knowledge should you become involved in a situation that may be a threat to your survival.

There are several excellent books available for download on Expedition Medicine that provide useful and helpful information that can be of value to anyone. Download links follow.


1.) WATER PURIFICATION by Paul Goodyer and Larry Goodyer can be downloaded here:

Water Purification.PDF

2.) BASE CAMP HYGIENE AND HEALTH by Hokey Bennett-Jones can be downloaded here:

Base Camp Hygiene and Health.PDF

3.) FIRST AID AND MANAGEMENT OF MINOR INJURIES by Jon Dallimorecan can be downloaded here:

First Aid and Management of Minor Injuries.PDF

4.) TROPICAL FOREST EXPEDITIONS by Paul Richards can be downloaded here:

Tropical Forest Expeditions.PDF

5.) CANOE, KAYAK AND RAFT EXPEDITIONS by Andy Watt can be downloaded here:

Canoe, Kayak and Raft Expeditions.PDF

Things included in these guides involve how to build numerous types of latrines, how to minimize the effects of biting insects (such as mosquitoes) and field expedient treatment for such injuries as a dislocated shoulder. Many health problems and minor injuries can be avoided or treated by the use of proper techniques.

Staying above the water line!



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