Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cannons, Cooking and Cutting Grass

Got a lot of projects in the works right now and a heavy work load to boot (12 hour days). Going to try to do a little cooking to try out a recipe or two, especially since my cooking skills don't get any where near my eating skills. Give me a can opener and an ugly drum smoker barrel and I can prepare a pretty decent meal on my own without much help. This is especially true since I've got a couple of dozen can openers and a couple of cans of beans handy there's not much risk of going hungry anytime soon.

Had a few good soakers lately also which kept things pretty busy. The grass is growing faster than weeds and the rain showers are speeding up the process. If it keeps growing at this rate, I'll need to use all my bushcraft skills just to survive in my own backyard. It's a jungle out there!

Plan on trying something new and different for a change also. Something I haven't done is build a cannon and have decided to try to build a few just in case they might be needed later on.

Staying above the water line!



  1. ...soon we'll have artillery!?...i like it...

    Firebase Riverwalker we have a fire mission...coordinates to follow...

    ...send it,will adjust...

  2. I've been dreaming of building a cannon...

  3. Really? Building a cannon sounds like great fun. Please post your experiences if you do it.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I will post an update on the results later.



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