Most criminals are opportunists. They will take any advantage they can get to turn your home into the local “grab and go” whenever possible. Their only real enemy when you’re away from home is time. They know they have just minutes to grab your valuables and get out. There are numerous ways to keep your valuables Simply Safes. One of the best ways is to use diversion safes.

Diversion safes are a simple way to hide small and valuable items from the local “grab and go” experts should they decide to pay you a visit while you’re away from home. They can be purchased ready made for those who don’t have the time or inclination to make their own. You can also make your own diversion safes quite easily. They are usually simple or common items that have no apparent value or ones that create little or no interest as far as monetary value. They will most likely be unnoticed by the “grab and go” crowd..
Most burglars will be looking for small, easily carried and high value items that will be easy to pawn and fetch a higher price. Making a diversion safe out of your digital camera probably wouldn’t be a very good idea. If you do use something like a book as a diversion safe, make sure it’s not the only one on the shelf. You should also avoid the old spy movie trick of using an envelope taped under a drawer. The “grab and go” experts have probably seen that movie as well. There are numerous other items and ways that can be used to create a diversion safe without much effort.
What are the elements to creating a good diversion safe? First it should be an ordinary household item. This will draw little or no attention from the “grab and go” guys. It should also be small enough to be easily hidden and yet large enough to hold several small valuables. If you use air-tight and water-tight containers this will allow the best protection for your valuables and give you a wider range for hiding your valuables. Any type of diversion safe should also allow you quick access and be easily transported if necessary. Any type of small container hidden inside a larger one can create a simple diversion safe. The main point is to divert the attention of the “grab and go” bunch from your high value items. Don’t make it easy for them to make you a victim!
So the next time you grab that bottle of ketchup and wonder why it’s slow coming out of the bottle, perhaps there is a zip lock baggie full of hundred dollars bills hidden inside that may be slowing the flow!
Got diversion safes for security?
Staying above the water line!
This is a great article. Although I currently have nothing of any value, it's always a good idea to have a plan when I do.
Thanks again for the information!
I use a number of them, both purchased and homemade. There are simple-to-follow instructions on the Internet for turning a #10 can into an excellent diversion safe with just some plaster of Paris and empty jar.
Good stuff!
...great post RW,we use'em,mine homemade...got bait out to divert them even further away too,heheheh(if they get passed the boobytraps and get in)...
remember:the most obvious,is the least noticed...
To: tahtimbo
You're welcome!
To: Chief Instructor
Glad to hear from you. Figured you were still lurking around out there. I have both ready-made and home-made diversion safes myself.
With just a little thought, you can come up with some really good ways to hide your valuables. Sometimes it's hidden so good even I can't find them. LOL
Thanks Chief Instructor
To: Ken
Bait...? Sounds like a trap. LOL
Love your comment...
"remember:the most obvious,is the least noticed..."
Very "Stealthy" comment!
Thanks Ken!
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