Friday, April 30, 2010

The Known Destination - Mountain Road

Mountain Road

Another strategic part of planning a trip is to make sure you have the route marked out on a good map. It's also important to remember to make sure everyone is familiar with the route and won't have a problem getting there. Don't want to get lost on your way there!

Got map?

Staying above the water line!



  1. I'm lucky in that I have a very good sense of direction.

    You never have enough maps at times.

  2. I like to map it out and then put all my connections on an index card over the viser. Such as I-64 to Lousville, I-70/79 to Cincnnati, I-80 to I-84 I-84 to wherever. It is easier to to glance a an index card than to fool with a map. Have a map for backup.

  3. To: One Fly

    Having a good sense of directions always helps but a map still helps.



  4. To: anonymous 3:35

    Using index cards is a great tip. I usually go over any changeovers a lot so that I have a firm grasp in my head of when and where they are.

    I also try to have a navigator along to read the map just in case. Avoids having to stop and check directions.

    Thanks anon!



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