Thursday, April 1, 2010

Great Gear Give-Away - The Winner

Congratulations to Joshua! Joshua is the winner of the Great Gear Give-Away at Stealth Survival! Here's Joshua's winning comment about the great ways to use 8 Strand 550 Paracord.

Joshua said...

I’ve found 550 cord to be useful in a variety of situations; most notably for attaching my parachute to my harness when I was jumping out of airplanes in the Army! Aside from that though, it is great for tying things down and rigging tents, use as boot laces, tying up an animal to be butchered, etc. Most of these uses don’t require the full strength of the cord, and things can be tied down better usually after the cord has been “gutted” (interior strands removed). If you have enough pieces of long interior strands, they can be used to fashion a very usable fishing net (this was something I learned to do in the Army). In the Army I used it to tie important pieces of gear to myself or my pack in case they came loose.

It’s definitely one of those essential items I keep around. To me, it’s right up there with my Leatherman and a flint and magnesium fire starter for things that go in the pack for a camping trip or other outdoor excursion.

Joshua, please respond within 72 hours by an e-mail to with a current shipping address in order to receive your free hank of 8 Strand 550 Paracord from Gear Up

Your information will remain confidential and be used only to ship your prize.

Congratulations once again to Joshua! He's a winner!

Visit the International Preppers Network to see the winners there!


1 comment:

  1. To: Josh

    Thanks for your quick response! Your green paracord is on it's way!




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