Friday, October 9, 2009

Special Projects - Under Construction

There are several special projects under construction right now for the benefit of the readers of Stealth Survival. There is only one more lightning video in my ten part series left to be posted and it's time for additional projects. There is a new video series that should be ready soon and a new pic series. Sure hope everyone has enjoyed the lightning videos.

Please take some time to check out the different free downloads that have been placed on the sidebar. You may find some of them useful in your preparedness efforts. Feel free to leave a comment if you've found any of these free downloads helpful. Thanks.

Staying above the water line!



Mayberry said...

I likes projects! Keep 'em comin' RW...

riverwalker said...

To: Mayberry

Howdy! Glad you got a chance to stop by and leave a comment.Been having lots of rain lately and so a few things have had to wait. I've got several things in the works but not yet completed.

So "Stay tuned"...LOL

Thanks Mayberry.


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