While it is a fearsome little creature, the Texas Spiny Lizard is actually quite harmless. Mrs. RW is quite fond of these not so tiny lizards and thinks they are really cute. There are a number of Texas Spiny Lizards that live in and around the house and yard and Mrs. RW is very protective of them.
Not all those little creatures out there are dangerous and some are actually quite beneficial when it comes to controlling the insect population. So if you see one of these fierce little "Texas Dragons" just say hello and move on!
Got lizards?
Staying above the water line!
The survivor/resister/forager who does not wish to be interned for his own good by benevolent Nanny/Big Brother might eat a spiny lizard or three. I wag it might have approx same nutrients as rattlesnake meat (which will sound a lot better after you have missed fourteen consecutive meals.)
Q34: Our resort serves game meats. Do you have nutrition information for rattlesnake?
A: Rattlesnake is not in the USDA nutrient database, but the Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Georgia has forwarded us the following data "supposedly from the Pacific Island Food Composition table... for 3.5 oz. raw rattlesnake: 92 calories, 18 g protein, 2 g fat, 1 g carbohydrate, 0 fiber, 0 calcium." As a percentage of total calories, this meat is about 72% protein and 20% fat.
page 90 Wilderness Cookery by Bradford Angier
Meat is the one complete food. Plump fresh meat is the single food known to mankind that contains every nutritional ingredient necessary for good health. It is entirely possible for man to live on meat alone. No particular parts need be eaten. Fat juicy sirloins, if you prefer, will supply you with all the food necessary for top robustness even if you eat nothing else for a week, a month or a decade.
Every animal in the far and near reaches of this continent, every fish that swims in our lakes and rivers and streams is good to eat. Nearly every part of North American animals is edible, even the somewhat bland antlers that are not bad roasted when in velvet, to the bitterish gall that has an occasional use as seasoning. The single exception is the liver of the polar bear, and of the ringed and bearded seal, which at certain times become so rich in Vitamin A that it is well avoided. Juicy fricasseess, succulent stews and sizzling roasts are fine fare.
If anything, most of us would be happy eating more of this ideal grub which contains all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for full vigor. One way to acomplish this? By not passing up the birds and small game which are freely available to many of us thoughout the entire year and which if not eaten will only be wasted.
You always get some great pictures RW. Good job!
Kentucky Preppers Network
To: vlad
You're going to have to do some serious talking my friend before Mrs. RW even thinks about eating one of her little "Texas Dragons". Thanks.
BTW, Thanks for the nutritional value of rattlesnake meat. Good to know how many calories are in rattlesnake meat. plus the skins make great belts and hat bands.
To: matthiasj
Thanks. It's amazing how many pics you have to take to get even one fairly decent pic. The little critters don't always cooperate and want to move at the wrong time.
Dr Stefansson, who lived among them for eleven years, said that the eskimo were the healthiest people he had lived among.
I surmise that if the diet of only fish, and the meat and fat of land and marine animals haad been bad for the eskimo there would have been noone north of the arctic circle for Dr Stefansson to find.
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