Many people are not used to working or playing outdoors in an environment with extremely high temperatures. The best way to get used to the higher temperatures of summer is to start off slowly. If it becomes necessary for you to work a little faster or harder, gradually increase your pace. Don’t attempt to do it all at once if it’s not absolutely necessary. This will allow your body to adjust to the demands of working in a hotter environment. Learn to set a pace for yourself in all your outdoor activities in the summer heat.
If you are working in the heat and suddenly your heart starts pounding, you experience a shortness of breath, feel weak or light-headed; you will need to discontinue all your activity immediately. These are signs that you may be experiencing the beginning of a heat-related illness. You will need to stop and rest before continuing any type of activity. Don’t risk suffering a heat-related illness that could endanger your health. Find a cool area, or at the very least a place in the shade, and rest until your body has had a chance to cool down before resuming your activities. Always remember to drink plenty of fluids.
Use a little common sense and be summer smart! Learn to pace yourself!
Most heat-related illnesses can be avoided by taking some simple precautions.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
This is good advice, RW. I suffered heat stroke several years ago and can only do an hour or so in the heat now before it really gets to me. I think it had something to do with my heart attack later.
Very good advice, my friend! Just don't over-do...that's the secret!
I thinks its a good post too - not as young as I used to be, and I find moving around too fast gets me tired too quickly. Especially when out in the full sun - durn, mid day summer heat in Texas is not for sissys. I wonder how those roofers and road crews spreading tar do it - man.
Don't get as much done, but thats okay - its supposed to be FUN, not just chores.
To: YeOldFurt
My father suffered a heat stroke when he was in his late twenties and it haunted him the rest of his life. He was working on a NG pipeline during the heat of summer.
To: HermitJim
A man's got to know his limitations or you're going to wind up in trouble. Thanks again Jim!
To: anonymous 7:39
Although we haven't got to the peak of the summer heat in south Texas, it's time to start thinking about these sort of things ahead of time. Twenty years ago I did some roofing work part-time and there is absolutely no way I could work at the same pace as I did then. I used to be a rabbit but now I'm the turtle. I'll get there, just not as fast!
The best bit of advice I learned in college came from an instructor.. "put a lazy man on a hard job and he'll find an easy way to do it,and if it work's,so what!!?" Hard work has been the death of many men,it won't happen to me!
Dean in Az
To: Dean
So true!
I overheated myself while working on the tractor some years ago. I wasn't particularly doing hard physical labor. I just spent several hours out on a 100F+ day without taking enough water breaks.
It felt like the worst fever I've ever had.
I learned my lesson and I take now take plenty of breaks. Someone told me "If you don't need to pee you aren't drinking enough" and I think that's good advice.
To: Bitmap
Unfortunately, just because we're past the worst of winter we still need to be aware that the summer poses its own threats to our survival. I'm just trying to remind people that the weather will get you if you aren't careful!Thanks Bitmap!
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