Closed cell foam pads are a great piece of camping gear. They can cushion the ground to make your sleeping bag more comfortable. They also make a great insulator to help keep you warm when the ground is cold. They are also a great piece of gear for your survival if injured.
Closed cell foam pads can be used to immobilize an injured limb such as an arm or leg. The closed cell foam pads work great to cushion an injury, help give it support, and won't hamper circulation of the injured body part. They can even be used to wrap a set of brokens ribs in an emergency. They are simple to modify and are relatively inexpensive.
Having gear is great! Having alternate uses for your gear is a good thing.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
That makes a lot of sense to me...multiple use items are a must have!
Hey Rvrwlkr, I am yet to purchase sleeping bags for my wife,2 youngins,and myself. As you know,the bags rated for 15 degrees or lower are VERY expensive. I was wondering what you think of my cheapskate idea. Here it is: Take and piece together a low cost sleeping "system" for each one of my family. Like first a foam pad like you talked about. Maybe a piece of plastic underneath that mat for water resistence. Then here is the part I need your expertice on. You know those 3 dollar mylar survival sleep bags? They say they trap 90% of body heat. I wonder, if i started with a lowcost bag rated at 35 degrees. And inserted one of those 3 dollar mylar tubes, what the temperature rating would be then? I'm just looking for super cheap sleep bags worthy of Ohio winters. I cant afford 99 dollar bags for each of us. Sorry for the long nebulous question. Any advice for me?
I love the foam pad's,but the take up a lot of room,even rolled up.I have a queen size inflatable mattress that fit's perfect in my truck.Even those cheap pool raft's help on the floor of a tent.
Joel,I'm not sure about those mylar bag's,but even a trash bag pulled over a sleeping bag can hold in the heat,the only problem is that the humidity can't escape,so you may get a lil sweaty.
Dean in Az
To: HermitJim
Everything has more than one use. With a little imagination and some necessity thrown in you can come up with a lot of different uses.
To: Joel the K
The cellcorp sleeping bags are generally under $20 and are rated at 20 to 30 degrees. Mine is rated at 20 degrees. Then get you a good all weather space blanket and you'll be set for less than $40 a set.
To: Joel the K
A lot of time all RW Jr. uses is the all weather space blanket... they have a hooded version for $20 which would be good for the kids also (w/o hood they are $17). They are big enough you could wrapa cheap sleeping bag and be good to go.
To: Dean in AZ
Got a couple of "el cheapo" pool mattresses that we use sometimjes. The daughter has three big inflatable mattresses to cver sleeping arrangements when the group gets together.
To: Joel the K
Here's a link on the bag:
Walmart is having a closeout on these in my area for only $17.
To: Joel the K
Here's another link to save a few bucks!
Product : Space All-Weather Blanket
Price : $14.00
Item # : 407106
Click here to see it:
For under my sleeping bags, I use some of those foam "exercise/yoga" mats, they've worked great. I have 3 of them now, and all came from Goodwill,the most expensive being $3. They roll up fairly small, and I put that inside the sleeping bag when I roll it up, so it takes no extra room at all.
Those egg crate foam pads are great too!
To: Chris W
Mrs. RW has one of those exercise pads that she uses. They work pretty darn good. Thanks.
To: Mayberry
I got an egg crate foam pad and it's the best. At my age the ground gets harder! LOL
Hey thanks much. I appreciate the tips. I'll get squared away on our sleep-bags this week for sure. Thanks again RW.
I'm a big fan of the self-inlfating sleeping pads, such as the link above. They are light and stow away nicely. I know they are a bit pricey, but for a good night's rest, the money is well spent. Also, the self-inflating pad's are great insulators from the cold ground.
Mylar blanket idea... I'd shy away from it. If anything, wear more clothes in the bag, but don't use anything that is going to keep in moisture.
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