Sometimes in life we are required to make difficult choices in our lives. Now is such a time. Advice is usually worth what you pay for it. All the information that has been posted on Stealth Survival has been in the hope of helping people be better prepared for whatever crisis or emergency may come your way. Hopefully, some have found the information useful. With some occasional humor thrown in, most posts have been made with the intent to help people be better prepared and have been presented in a mostly informational viewpoint. I have survived the effects of fires, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. I have even survived personal tragedy when I lost one of my children at a very young age. I have survived fuel crises (the Arab oil embargo in the ‘70’s), bad politicians (double digit inflation during the Carter years), financial crisis (‘80’s S&L crises) and bouts with unemployment. I survived before and intend to survive again with the help of a little common sense and a little preparedness. My hope is that you will also be able to survive what life may throw at you.
With the cost of internet services going up and the need to proceed with some personal goals and projects, there is an increased strain on the time and funds necessary to contribute substantially to Stealth Survival in both the amount of research done to supplement my own experience and knowledge and the time to put it in a hopefully understandable written form.
Rants and raves, political views, prolific profanity and anti-government rhetoric make for much more interesting reading to a great many people. This is attested to by the popularity of many blogs that deal with these subject matters on a regular basis. This is not what was intended for Stealth Survival. Stealth Survival was meant to provide relevant information and ideas to help people be better prepared. Unfortunately, informative material can make for boring reading. It is not my intention to bore people with the subject matter as it has been presented on Stealth Survival. Everyone has their opinions when it comes to topics of this nature and should always feel free to express their opinions as they choose. While there may not always be agreement, we all have the right to express our opinions as we choose.
If a decision is made to continue Stealth Survival in its present form, then information and articles that are posted will be on a substantially less frequent basis because of other activities that will require additional amounts of my time. If a decision is made to make this blog private, then decisions will have to be made in this regard. Consideration has also been given to other avenues to continue in a more profitable manner in order to afford the increasing costs of internet services, etc. and time that could be spent on other more profitable enterprises that are currently suffering due to time spent on making relevant information available on Stealth Survival.
Knowing that time is valuable to everyone, it is understandable that many readers may not be able to comment. Thanks to those who have been able to share their knowledge and experience by leaving a comment when possible.
But just as your time is valuable, so too is mine, and there is a greater need for more of my time on other things. Increased work obligations, repair projects for other people that generate substantial additional income, and building a new place at my farm have put ever increasing requirements on my time.
Comments as always are welcome. Thank you.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
I know where you are coming from as the 'extra' time in the winter evaporates during the summer. Just want to say that I enjoy your blog even though I don't leave comments. Good luck on your projects.
I have a bit of a lump in my throat reading this. You have been such a great supporter of mine, and I've learned so much from Stealth Survival and the Preppers Network.
I am with you on the topic. Only have a specific amount of time to contribute to mine, as well.
My 2 cents: You have a lot of information and wisdom - with a lot of people reading you. Whatever/whenever you can share is beneficial and appreciated.
My full support and gratitude to you, whatever you decide.
While you may believe that the political rant's might be better reading,it has no place here,in my opinion. I think too many people use this type of site as a place to blow off steam,or repeat whatever the talking head's rave about. Regardless of anyone's political opinion,these site's are about PREPPING,not ranting! We don't care about your social life, how bad your car run's or if your chicken's got loose,or housing in Panama! I'd prefer to read about gun's, food stuff, and related item's. Too many site's include daily drama, or trying to sell stuff. RW, you've done the best job of staying on topic as I've seen of anyone. We all need time away,and with the weather improving,that much more time. I wish everyone would concentrate on the topic as well as you have,that's why your the first read of my day!
Dean in Az
To be sure it is difficult to find the time to blog with all the pressing matters of general life. This I know to to be true, having one of the most popular wilderness survival blogs on the internet.
But rest assured of this fact: you have helped many people in many ways - all over the world. My hat is off to you!
Please by all means post whenever you can find the time. People like you are worth more than gold in these times of crisis. You are a valued member of the survival community.
Hi Riverwalker - I'm still very much at the learning and preparing stage and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I do hope you continue to blog so that people like me can continue to learn ... even if you have to blog less often.
I hope you do not drop off the radar. Good luck in your endeavors.
I appreciate your blog. I can understand what you are saying and respect that, but don't go away, thinkng no one appreciates the work you have done and the help you have given!
Hey my friend...I will always be a supporter and a reader, if possible. I truly hope you can continue on in some fashion...
Although many of us may not say it, I know that I, for one, have learned a lot and really enjoy your post!
I'm behind you and will respect your decision either way.
RW, I am happy to be able to read any and all information that you provide at anytime it's available. I will continue to stop by and enjoy all the things here and I hope you will continue as time allows. Either way, I am proud to call you friend and thank you for all you do.
If you don't mind few words from a dang yankee In Texas....
I have never replyed to a blog..
But I read about ten every day..
I look at it like having friends with a unique view on things.......
I like your view my friend.......
Well gosh RW, nobody can say you have been anything but professional. Whenever the rest of us venture off the course of prepping, our daily visit to Stealth Survival brings us back to our need to continuing prepping.
You have always been steady at the helm, diligent in your work, and on course. Thank you.
Your blog is one of the best. No stupid drama, just good survival info. Readers have no idea what a toll blogging can take on the blogger. It takes a lot of work and effort. The rewards are few.
Your contributions have been more than adequate. Let others take up the slack. You have set a fine example. No BS, just fact.
Riverwalker--Can't say enough good things about how much I have learned from your blog--you share information on everything related to being prepared, and it's priceless. Whatever decision you make, I hope you know that your shared knowledge is greatly appreciated. You have to do what you have to do, and now, just in case you do go private with the blog, I now have to hurry and update my emergency notebook with any information that I may have missed in your many, many useful posts. Best wishes in all your endeavors, and if you continue to blog, I'll be reading! :)
I understand where you are comming from.. I have been working on a project that I may post on my blog page but, with work getting busy and my personal projects I will probably only post once a week sometimes once every 2 weeks. To put together a good blog piece it takes me a good evening after dinner to put it all together. Tonight I was working outside in the dark on my "project". I would like to see you post when you can(have the time) but also "take care of business too" I enjoy your blog and anyone who uses a drum smoker is Tops in my book!
do what ya gotta do. i'm better prepared now, than i would have been, without your blog. i can't thank you enough. glad if you liked some of my ideas too. time is getting short. family friends faith and home are what's important, enjoy them now. blog only when you feel the need to. "stealth survival" would make a good title for a book though...
(i never was bored, reading your efforts, and i appreciate the absence of profanity)
Riverwalker...please stay around!
You have so much knowledge and experience and there are so many people out there who are learning, and have learned, from you!
If you can only commit to one post a week or one every 2 weeks - people will still check back! Your posts are always informative, sometimes humourous, enjoyed by many and people always come away having learned something new! said it best - people like YOU are worth more than gold!
You're not the only one to "turn a page" in your life...other blogs addressing preparedness are "pissin' on the fire & callin' in the dogs. We should all take away something from this...maybe we're past prepin' & waitin' tend to your tribe, RW. We'll make do.
The Grill Sgt.
to grill Sgt,
I think a lot of these blogger's are beyond whizzing on the fire,they're trying to toss the gas can on it! Several I've seen are almost to the point of being insane! No matter who is in office,no matter what you think of them or the program,we all have to hope for the best,but still prep for the worst. Hoping for failure mean's we all fail.. I'd rather struggle with the economy,as I am,that fight a political/zombie/ refugee situation. Since being laid off in Nov,and no work in my field here anymore,I've had to sell off a lot of my prep's to survive. These loonie toon's rant's begging for it to get worse tweak me to no end. When they get laid off,and have to wait for 6 month's with no income for the STHF,let's see how prepped they really are. RW has given us more tip's than all those rant's combined.
Dean inAz
Riverwalker...Man, I wish I had more time to comment on peoples blogs, I read at least 5 times as many as I comment on, so it really does comes down to having the time to comment...You have one of the best preppin and survival blogs on the net. Maybe post a little less often so you have time to tend to your Farm and other chores, but I would hate to see stealth survival go, you have built quite a faithful following here.
I just want to say I check your blog daily and have enjoyed it tremendously. Please explore ways to monetize the blog, we need you to succeed!
Hey RW, yours is one of the best blogs for good info, which is what I like, need and respect. Thank you so much for all that you've generously provided to us. I think we all understand rationing our time and efforts and the balance of it all. You've done good work here. I hope you'll continue.
Don't get me wrong, guys...I want everybody to succeed; but I'm a realist. I see what's coming. Do I want RW to close shop? Lord, no! But as a father of four, and grandfather of 12, I say family comes first. So, if RW needs to prioritize, and the blog has to take a back seat, then I certainly understand, and won't pressure anyone to go against their gut instinct. God gave us that resource for a good reason. Dean, I am so very sorry for your downturn of events. I've been there! If I could, I'd gladly help. What I do have to offer, are my prayers.
Whatever you decide, RW, I support you.
The Grill Sgt.
I enjoy reading your blogs. keep up what you are able to do. We appreciate your work! God bless you.
...been typin' here a while...readin' even longer...always on topic,ready to 'slap us back down to prepdom' quicker than a keystroke...and in case i ain't said it enuff,Thanks Brother...GoodLuckGodBless...
Since I had free time today,I browsed thru most of the other site's and most of the state site's. After surfing thru them,out of maybe 30 or so were nothing but daily diarie's or political BS ranting. A few on gardening,a few on shelter..the rest were garbage! NOTHING TO DO WITH PREP'S!! A few music clip's, movie bit's...what junk! As far as I'm concerned,your the only person on topic. I wish you the best my friend. Please post now and then,if it fit's into your schedule.
Dean in AZ
To: Everyone
Thank You very much for all the words of encouragement!
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