Realizing the many potential uses for multi-use items is a great way to be prepared. Here is my list for the ten best multi-use items that everyone should include in their emergency preparedness supplies.
Top Ten Multi-Use Items
(In alphabetical order)
1.) Aluminum Foil.
2.) Baling wire.
3.) Bandanas.
4.) Buckets.
5.) Dental Floss.
6.) Duct Tape.
7.) Paracord.
8.) Trash Bags.
9.) Walking Stick / Staff.
10.) Ziplock Bags.
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
Hell, with that list of goodies...a country boy ought to be able to fix or build just about everything, huh?
Thanks for the list, my man!
To: HermitJim
Agreed. Fix or make just about anything with that stuff. Thanks.
Nice post, but why you don't post the use of those items he..he...
11. zip tie's
12. milk crate's
Dean in az
Good list!
If you consider it an "item"
This is a great list! And no household should be without baking soda and distilled white vinegar...
Thanks for this, RW.
TO: Seno
Great idea for a list of uses! Will put that on the things "to do" list. Thanks.
TO: Dean in az
I thought "Top Ten Lists" had only ten items? Now you tell me there's more....LOL
TO: scoutinlife
To: SurvivalTopics
Fire is an Essential Item. Maybe we need another list? Thanks.
To: Carla
Maybe we need a list of essential food items! Thanks.
To RW,
You missed the obvious..
13. A multi tool!!!
Dean in Az
PS,thx for the info! more pepper's for you!
To: Dean in az
Now I've got 13 items in my "top ten" list!
You just named off everything that holds my Heep together! HA!
I thought this was the factory glove compartment for a Heep??!!
Dean in Az
I came across what is called Lifecaps, they have everything in them to sustain life with the exception of water, even iodine. Very light & easy to carry, I have them in all three vehicles, 72 hour kits & both Bug out Bags. I bought 25 bottles before I found a coupon code & bought 75 more bottles. Coupon code is Healthcap. Anyway a good water filter & these pills will keep you going for months. Along with Riverwalkers Top Ten, you are set & stealth.
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