You might be wondering why all the talk about beans and rice. Rice and beans not only taste great but are a great combination when it comes to providing essential nutrients for our bodies. One of these nutients is protein.
Proteins are made up of different amino acids. Many of these amino acids can't be made by our bodies and are known as essential amino acids. These essential amino acids must be obtained through our food.
Protein sources that are incomplete can be combined with other protein sources to provide all the essential amino acids required by our bodies. Certain proteins when combined with each other provide adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids. One of the best food combinations to provide these essential amino acids is the dynamic food duo – rice and beans.
Rice contains very low amounts of certain essential amino acids. These same essential amino acids are found in much greater amounts in dry beans. Dry beans also contain lower amounts of certain essential amino acids that can be found in larger quantities in rice. When combined, rice and beans can provide nearly perfect amounts of all the essential_amino_acids required by your body.
Beans and rice – the dynamic food duo!
Staying above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
You think the folks will ever get the damn message about rice and beans? We tell them about it enough!
I remember some of old Kurt Saxons recipe articles,..he suggested adding small amount of meat to the mix to complete the protein-amino requirements.
Doesn't take much....a piece of squirrel,..rabbit,...or a piece of road kill...chicken works but amazingly fish does not.
One of his articles talked about death resulting from humans getting to much incomplete protein in their daily rations. The problem is eliminated when animal proteins are added.
Its not hard to believe,...animal meats contain vital fats that will be needed in survival situations.
Take a look at a Vegan and you will see a person who is unnaturally scrawny and sickly looking, Possessing no muscle mass or fat stores to feed the body during illness.
We will all eat more veggies in the coming days,....but we can also spice up the pot with a chipmunk or a turtle for improved health and vigor!
To: Michael
You're right but if we keep telling them maybe another one or two might listen. Besides I LIKE rice and beans.
To: gott_cha
Rice and beans come the closest of any vegetable combination. The Japanese have been eating rice and fish (fish have the healthy omega-3fatty acids) for centuries.This ought to tell us something. Besides Kolbe beef is really expensive!
Almost forgot,..but bake some country corn bread to go with it and you are eating high on the hog!!
Use the cornmeal that you ground yourself!!....What? grain grinder?........shame on you!
True RW,...But not all fish are fatty and not all contain the Omega-3 in sufficient quantities.
Of the freshwater fishes that most of us would be able to catch,..only the Trout family can provide sufficient amounts of omega-3.
That's what I meant in my post,.....sorry to make it sound like "NO" fish would work. Sometimes the brain says things the fingers forget to type...LOL
Anyway, response was aimed at just adding more protiens to the mix
To: gott_cha
I got your point. I'm just hoping to avoid too many trips to the Road Kill Grill. Around my part of the country the biggest threat is avoiding the coyote meat tacos!
To: gott_cha
I think ways to cook alternate protein sources might be in order. Give the sheeple a look at the future! HAHa!
Sounds good bro!....go for it.
That's 'cause MRE's are so much more profitable than beans and rice. You do not need any animal protein, none at all, as long as you eat plant foods with the right combo of proteins.
What's more, beans and rice are cheaper than meat, easier to store, and better for you than clogging your body with animal fats.
To: survivaltopics
MREs = $$$$
Rice & beans = inexpensive, low cost fodd storage item - low profitability factor.
Beans and rice taste great and go good together, but I have a hard time finding large quantities of beans. You can find 50 lb bags of rice, corn, wheat, etc. in a lot of places, but does anyone know where you can buy large bags of beans?
To: zegon
Most of the grocery stores around here sell them in bulk from open bulk containers. You can get any amount from 1 pound on up. They will usuually find you a box to put how much you want in. Then put them in your own storage containers at home.
You can order from in ID and get all your staples in bulk (bags or buckets). Shipping can make or break the cost effectiveness so depends on where you live or how many people get together to order a truck full. We have lived all over the US and I have ordered with neighbors in many states. It doesn't take much to get a half semi-truck full! They carry really good TVP so I have added some of each flavor to my storage to boost the protein of just about every thing. Plus it tastes like meat so isn't hard to get it accepted. Stretches the everyday budget too so is good to have on hand for meals NOW!
To: anonymous
Thanks for the info. I still buy mine out of the bulk bin and save the shipping costs.
Dont know how it is in y'all s areas,.but here I get my bulk beans at the farmers supply shipping just cash and carry and its normally 35 to 40 cents cheaper per lb than chain suppliers.
You can also get 50 and 100lb sacks of Whole oats,..wheat, and corn.
They even have large quantities of salt..25lb..50 lb bags and 25lb blocks
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