History has shown that many groups fail within a few years and some even sooner than that. And that’s taking into account that TSHTF hasn’t happened yet (although it may have already started) and our society and infrastructure remains virtually intact and can still provide for the people that may leave the group when it fails to properly provide the necessary elements for their needs in a survival situation. There are usually several main reasons why this occurs.
First is a failure to understand the amount of resources and funding required for the proper start-up of a serious group effort. Inefficient planning, lack of reasonable goals, limited foresight concerning possible problems and limited monetary resources as far as the initial costs of starting or forming a group, etc. will cause a great many problems with individual members if everyone doesn’t make equal contributions in some form or manner in either resources (food, equipment, or skills, etc.), land, money, or time.
Second is a failure to blend in and become a part of their surroundings. A group of outsiders moving into an area is going to attract a lot of attention at the local level. Being unfamiliar with local laws, customs and practices will just make you stand out even more. In fact, it may even generate a certain amount of fear and distrust by locals in the area who have no idea of who or what you are and what your motives or intentions might be. This will create even further problems for the group.
Third is the conflict that arises from differing sets of moral values and beliefs (political, religious, etc.). Although most groups can and will find common ground in these issues, it is exceedingly difficult to find and maintain a group where everyone’s values and beliefs are in complete harmony with each other. There will need to be an extremely high level of tolerance in this area in order for the group to be successful. You will need to agree to disagree.
Fourth is the problems caused by the relocation of group members. The stress of finding new jobs and leaving familiar surroundings will almost certainly push some people to their utmost limit. This will create a big change in their lives that may be difficult, if not almost impossible, for many people in your group to accept. Some people accept change more readily than others.
Fifth is the time necessary to create a familiarity among members of the group that will create the necessary trust so that the group will bond together for a common purpose and come to depend upon each other for their abilities in order to survive.
While these are not all the problems that can occur, they are some of the more important ones to take into consideration.
Groups will always be stronger than individuals. There is strength in numbers that can’t be denied. But remember, what people say and what they do are two completely different things. The stress of a survival situation can sometimes bring out the worst in people. It can also bring out their best qualities. You may see a side of someone that you didn't know was there until it's too late. You will need to know that the members of your group won’t fall apart or not be able to function under the stress of a survival situation.
There is a possible solution to these and many other problems of group survival. That will be the subject of Part 2.
Stay above the water line!
Merry Christmas to Everyone
10 years ago
Thanks for the post, I've been considering what it would take to start a group, your timing is perfect!
To: natog
I plan a whole series of about four or five articles that could possibly help anyone wanting to start a "successful" group and avoid many of the pitfalls others have suffered.
amended my post (20' on a side)
We have a small group that works/camps together fairly well- some are ex-military, and the others are young, and we have natural leaders/followers. Works out not too badly.
I think being with a group will be absolutely necessary, for humans are social animals. Your body could survive alone, but your mind and spirit would suffer. This will be a good series, Riverwalker. An interesting discussion.
TO: sybrie
Sounds like you have the beginnings of a good group.
TO: patricia
I'm not a big fan of "cabin fever".
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