Saturday, May 16, 2009

Home Security - The Outdoor Security Light

Security Light on Utility Pole

One of the easiest and most affordable solutions for home security is an outdoor security light. They are very inexpensive, usual cost just pennies per day, and require no maintenance or installation on your part. Most utility companies, both urban and rural, will install one on your outside utility pole at little or no charge.

Outdoor security lights will light up large areas around your home and help to lessen the possibility of a break-in or burglary of your home. Most criminal types prefer to operate under the cover of darkness. If they can't be seen, it gives them a sense of confidence while they carry on their illegal activities.

Most commercial establishments realize this and take extra measures to make sure their storefronts, parking lots, and areas inside the building are lit up like it's daylight.

Inexpensive and generally requiring no maintenance or repair on your part, this makes outdoor security lights an excellent way to increase your home security at a low cost.

Got security light?

Staying above the water line!



Anonymous said...

Security lights are great, we have a few on our property. Need to get a couple more up on the barn..

Kentucky Preppers Network

riverwalker said...

To: matthiasj

Our city is now using the high output security lights. Lights the outside up like more dark corners!


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